Thursday, December 9, 2010

I can't tell her that...

isn't it weird how we have such a hard time telling others the most honest facts?

i love a woman, the greatest woman i have ever met. but, how do i tell her? i have never tried to memorize poems of great authors. i can't recite quotes from movies or songs. i don't know a foreign language, i don't even have a great command of the english language.

yet the question lies deep within my head. how do i tell the woman i love exactly what she means to me? i will not give a long sad story, we have all experienced life. life with all it's pains, joy, confusions. how could i be so proud as to think i have a story that no one has heard before.

pride. i have always been taught that pride come before the fall. i try to be humble, i try to be grounded. but, when i look in her eyes or put my hands around her waist i can't help it. i can't help but want to hold on.

is life so boring? when you really think about it. everyone has experienced the same emotions, the same thoughts, the same pains (in some degree). why do some people tell you a story and you just want to cry? someone else tells you the same story and you think "get over it". are we really that callous? or is it that the story of life just sounds better coming from some people rather than others?

my mind wanders...

how do i tell a woman who is beautiful, smart, educated (yes smart and educated are two different things), and kind that i love these qualities about her? yes, i can tell her those things but, how do i tell her those things in a way that a woman like her has never heard them before? i fear that to many people have described her in those ways. it probably sounded nice the first time she heard them but, now? what am i to do?

why is it so difficult for someone of mediocre language, minimal education, and acceptable looks to look in the eyes of their love and express their thoughts? maybe i am better off not attempting? maybe i am better off letting her wonder?.?.?


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